Gary Wait – Nov 17-30, 2022
Gary Wait, is a retired nuclear physicist from TRIUMF, the accelerator Lab on the UBC Campus. He lived in Switzerland on sabbatical with his late wife Carol for a year where he was involved in experiments at CERN. He led a team for 10 years in the design and fabrication of accelerator components for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). His physics career involved extensive travel which gave him the opportunity to visit many of the great art galleries in the world: the most impressive gallery being Hermitage in St Petersburg, Russia. He is strongly influenced in his oil paintings by the impressionists.
He has attended various art workshops and evening classes over the years including drawing, watercolour, Chinese brush painting and oil painting. Regular at Semiahmoo art gallery Life drawing.
His work has been shown in joint exhibitions with his late wife Carol in multiple galleries: Richmond, Vancouver Chinese Cultural Centre, Surrey, Delta, Tsawwassen Semiahmoo arts centre. His paintings are predominantly in oil applied with a palate knife using primary colours, with minimal brush work. He had a successful solo showing of 25 paintings of White Rock themes in the Turnbull Gallery at the Semiahmoo arts and recreation center. His work displayed at “Jan’s on the Beach restaurant” in White Rock. Currently Jardin de Monet, Kyoto Gardens and West coast themes.