A small team with big ideas.

On Oct 1, 2021 I bought Attractive Distraction Framing & Gallery (ADFG) on Johnston Rd in White Rock. In June of 2022 I rebranded as Nomad Gallery.
The gallery has a terrific collection of original art on consignment, as well as limited editions. Nomad does all kinds of custom framing, canvas stretching, and dry mounting, from original paintings to needlepoint.
To new and existing customers, I invite you to come and see the artists I’ve brought in since I’ve taken over, and all the fantastic artists that stayed with me when I bought the gallery.
My vision is to bring a young, edgy art aesthetic to the White Rock area, hold great art shows, and make art available at every price range. I hope you’ll find that my commitment to customer service is first class.
You can help me kick start my new endeavor by spreading the word. Give my Facebook and IG pages a like, and let your friends know how to find me.
Thank you! I appreciate your support. If you have any questions, reach me at jenny@nomadgallery.ca